



The Role Of Oxygen In Supporting Life On Earth And Mysteries Of The Human Body

Role of Oxygen in a Human Body

The role of oxygen in supporting life on earth cannot be overemphasized so that life cannot exist without oxygen. The human body contains about two thirds of oxygen. By breathing the gas is carried to the lungs and into the bloodstream in the lungs. After that, it reaches all the cells in the body. The functional factor is responsible for respiratory processes and metabolism in living organisms.

It is said that the only living cells that do not need oxygen are anaerobic bacteria. They derive their energy from other body processes. Complex enzymatic processes are involved in the chemical synthesis of nutrients within our cells. Oxygen burns energy-producing foods. It is very much important that oxygen is in the right amount in the body to support cell respiration. Non-metallic matter is important in restoring and maintaining the energy metabolism of biological energy. Life is the place where all the chemical activities called metabolism take place.

Metabolism is responsible for all changes in the human body physical and chemical. It replaces old tissue with new, converting food into energy and disposing of waste. It also looks after fertility. In fact, all life-sustaining activities occur due to metabolism. Cellular oxygen is essential for cellular respiration in all aerobic organisms. One liter of blood is said to be able to dissolve 200 cc of oxygen gas, which is much higher than the volume of water to eliminate oxygen.

Oxygen is transported through the bloodstream to the body's tissues that need oxygen and is bound to the enzyme (mono oxygenase). The enzyme uses oxygen as a catalyst for a different reaction of oxidation to the body (metabolism). Carbon dioxide is released from the cell and returned to the lungs through the blood. This process repeats itself.

Although oxygen is essential for health and regulates the secretion of food or heat that stimulates the energy and heat of our bodies, there are also some types of altered oxygen molecules called Free Radicals, which are always present in our bodies. They damage their cells which cause damage and diseases such as cancer.

It is said to be as old as your cells. By using special antioxidants, it is possible to achieve cell regeneration, increased health and improved vitality. It will make your cells look and work like smaller ones.

Mysteries of the Human Body

Everything and everything in the Universe is different and different too. No two things are alike in appearance and in character. Still, they remain a part of the universe. This relationship is described as the foundation of any religion as 'God is the whole universe and others are part of it.' Among living things, the human body is a marvel of many facets. Let's find out about the human body.

Skin and Bone structure: The body is a cage of bones covered with skin and tissue. It has nine openings such as eyes, ears, nose and mouth in the upper part and two orifices for discharge in the lower part. Apart from this, many pores are present in the skin to maintain body temperature.

System made of Solid, Liquid and Gas: Stronger bones and soft tissues depend on visible fluid (blood) and invisible gas (oxygen). This means the fact that both of these aspects of the story are the basis of life.

Beautiful exterior: Once you’ve seen the viscera, anyone will hate them. The nausea and unpleasant appearance of the internal organs will lead to the idea of ​​how people try to hide the stinking body through makeup and clothing. The brain has a rough and smooth surface with backs and channels.

Double standards: As long as garbage resides inside the human body, no one cares. However, a person feels uncomfortable seeing their feces removed like face, phlegm, etc. People enjoy dead creatures like meat, oil, and cream but hate them when they are found dead anywhere. Although snakes, worms, and rats are considered dangerous, some people use them as their favourite dishes.

Changes over the years: The body changes in size and shape over time. Its strength increases during adolescence, reaches middle age, and decreases slightly during decline. The skin grows shiny and firm to a certain extent and later shrinks and hardens.

Size doesn't matter: The mind looks small but has an amazing ability to think and reason. The heart looks like an apple with a custard, but the size corresponds to the palm of the owner's hand. It always beats hard for a few minutes, even if it is cut off from the body. The 25-foot-long [25 m] intestines are well integrated in our body.

Preventive Maintenance: The body needs attention through diet, regular exercise / exercise, and rest at night. Any imbalance in these factors affects a person's health and performance. Eating too much or working out or sleeping tends to delay mental and physical withdrawal.

Listen to natural calls: Feelings such as hunger, thirst, urination, etc. It is a physical sign that removes the pressures that develop within it. Any embarrassment and delays in caring for these symptoms will confuse the body's systems, leading to health and mental disorders. Proper nutrition (including water) keeps the internal system in place while washing the outside of the body removes impurities and sweat.

Conclusion:Therefore, recognize the importance of the body by appreciating the purpose of the complex structure of the human body. Use it for good results. It is better to have a healthy lifestyle with good eating habits, hobbies, relationships, and a healthy lifestyle.

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