How To Start Blogging And Make Money Online Through Blog Post?
If you can write and interested in certain subjects, you can make money with blogging. Even if you don't like the article but believe it is a good and unique topic to advertise in between audience, there are lot of content that you can read, research and write about.
Here are five important and simple steps you must follow to answer the question, 'How do I start blogging and make money through blog?'

Decide Free-hosting Or Self-hosting Blog
"Make Money on Blogs" and 'How do I make money on blogs?' is asked several times earlier in different blogging. Instead of focusing profit on your blog at the beginning, you need to start with by asking 'How do I start blogging and make money?'
First things, you have to focus on the basics first and thereafter go for by choosing a free host blog like, and many others or a personal blog.
The great advantage for choosing a free host is that you need not to pay anything. Everything - from hosting to your blogs address to build your blog site are provided by the platform. The demerit to this is that if your blog is successful and you want to sell it later, you may not find a good buyer or you may get a low offer because the buyer cannot control or transfer the blog.
Moreover, by going with a self-contained blog, it’s allows you to flex the top theme and functionality. You can also sell the blog easily. Hear you need to pay for hosting, domain registration, theme configuration, plugins, and other costs.
Choose a Unique Niche
Here are the key lies for the question 'how can I make money with a blog?' in the topic you choose to focus on. Accordingly you must choose the right heading. Otherwise, you may not make money with your blog as your blog is very less chance to run in the search engine. So be serious when you are choosing a topic for your blog and consider the following three factors before you start blog i.e Keyword Competition, Passion, Search Volume & Value etc.
You should choose a niche that should be very low competitive. The more competitive of your niche is, the “harder” it will be for you to make money.
You also need to choose the niche where you are more expertise on it. Your passion should be willing to hard work to make your dream success. Search volume is important because you only want to select the topics that people are looking for. If you choose a topic that few people are interested in, your chances of making money are less.
Basically, you need to choose a topic for your blog based on the value of the ads. Use the Google AdWords tool to see how many advertisers are willing to pay per click on keywords related to your topic. The higher price per click, the higher chances to make you money with your niche.
Create Like Product
There are several ways to answer the question, 'How can I make money with a blog?' You can play paid ads with each click. You can play commission-paid ads when readers are shopping. You can create ads that will pay you for each product download.
While these methods can make you money, the best way is to create an informative product like e-book, online seminar, or online you tube video. This can be the alternative way to deal with the problem 'how can I make money with a blog?'
Create Address Book List
Instead of pushing your products on your blog through regular ads, you should have to create an address book and promote to readers of your blog through this. The address book provides 'free courses', 'free e-books' or another digital freebie exchange for people who join with your list. Then set up your address list with helpful and informative updates to your listing members.
The more posts you post, the more trust you have in their eyes. This can be easier to 'make money with blogs' because you build good relationships with them.
Every time you submit an update, you should include a link to your product page. The more credibility and authority you build with your listed members, they like to buy your products.
Blog Like Star
Many bloggers are asking 'how do I start blogging and make money?' They only focus on making money easily and they forget that they only can make money if the blog ran well.
Don't forget that if your blog often should have unique and quality updates, visitors have no reason to subscribe to your blog or products. You can also gain authority even you can write guest blog posts on blogs that focus on the same topics as your blog.
You can follow the above closely. If you were wondering how I could start blogging and make money? '. Keep trying to blog every day. The more you do, the better you get.