Five Simple Keys To Happiness:
1. Free your heart from hatred.
2. Free your mind from worries.
3. Live simply.
4. Give more.
5. Expect less.
"The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts"
As the physical exercises tones up the body, concentration increases the strengthen mind.
Detachment And Forgetfulness
Ability to forget and detach from undesirable past is a great quality for achieving success in life. It is well said " Though it is sometimes useful to remember but it is often wise to forget".
Planned Thinking
Ensure at various intervals that your thinking is planned and systematic and not haphazard and random. Unplanned random thinking is a sign of weak mind.
Positive Thinking
Develop the habit of viewing everything positively, even in the most miserable situations. Negative thinking weakness the mind, makes it restless, agitated and impure. Convert every negative situation into positive one by readjusting your mental attitude.
Reduce Emotional Involvements
We should realize that no difficulties or problems are permanent. They all will pass. Such is the law. Everything is in a state of constant motion and changing.
Welcome Difficulties And Problems Of Life
Remember that every thing which happens to us in life is good for us. In the apparently, cruel and adverse looking situation, there is hidden an infinite mercy of God which we can realize if we properly contemplate upon it.
Nothing Happens By Chance Or Accident
Don't view any incident a burden coming to you out of nowhere. Consider all problems as projects as a means to grow. Remain even minded in success or failure.
Silence, Solitude And Self-introspection
There should be always some aim when you talk. Aimless talking should always be avoided.
Overcome Fear
Just face each challenge of life boldly with positive outlook and firm faith in God who only can provide the real security to us.
Don't Have Inferiority Complex
Never compare with others and neither feel inferior nor feel superior to any body. What others can do, you can also do it.
Do Not Waste Time
Do not waste time in useless thinking, gossips and loitering here and there. Time which has been lost by you is lost forever and cannot be regained.
Control Over Impulse, Observe Self-restraint And Patience
Whatever impulse or urge comes in your mind, don't jump over it immediately. First examine it properly and then accordingly hold it for some time or ignore it totally. By exercising patience in this manner your will-power and strength will increase gradually.
Don't React Immediately When Provoked
Your voice in reply should always be polite, respectful and controlled. You should never behave in an uncontrolled fashion and not resort to shouting while replying, howsoever wrong blame or criticism has been done to you.
Brooding Over The Past And Worrying For The Future
Past should be used only for learning lessons from it, so that mistakes are not repeated. There is no dearth of opportunities in our life to progress. What matters most to you are the present and not what you were or what you will be?
You Are The Master Of Your Destiny
You are hundred percent responsible for hat you are in your life. Hence never curse your luck for the misfortunes but face the reality boldly. Further, you have a power with you by which you can even modify and alter your present destiny also.
Self-Satisfaction Before Satisfaction Of Others
Always be in your natural state with a simple and decent life style irrespective of what others think about you and don't try to artificially influence people. Trying to pretend what you are not is one of the greatest sources of stress.
Accept And Recognize Your Weakness
There should not be any hesitation in accepting your weakness before others. After recognizing your weakness, you should start making effort to eradicate it. It is not important what people think about you but it is own views about yourself which are more important.
Don't Fill Your Subconscious Mind With All Sorts Of Garbage
You must begin to feed the subconscious mind with strong and positive thoughts and emotions. You will have to develop positive attitude towards everything, every event, every problem, every adversity and every misfortune by looking for hidden lessons and good in these things.
Avoid Making Remarks/Comments/Advice To others Unless Asked
Do not waste time in bothering and interfering in what others are doing. If you are in a managerial position, where you have to get the work done from your subordinates, it is inevitable for you to make comments/remarks/advice about their works. But again it should be made in the spirit of suggestion and no attitude of ego and domination should be involved.
Eliminate Ego And Doer ship Feeling
In all works or things you do, have the attitude that it is God's work and you are doing it under his guidance as servant. He is the actual doer. You are simply a medium or an instrument in his hand. Ego does not allow you to come near the God.
Always Remain Optimistic
No matter how many failures you have undergone in achieving a task, still remain optimistic about your success. The goal can be achieved by a determined mind with firm faith in God.
Learn To Say No
Be confident, straight forward and courageous and never hesitate to say "No" when it is so demanded by the situation. Your purpose in life should be not to please others. Your aim is self development.
Do Not Linger Things
Avoid the habit of lingering things for tomorrow and ahead. Successful people are those who get up from their seat & take immediate action. The right time for starting or doing an appropriate thing is just now and not tomorrow.
Always Remain Near To God
Feel the presence of God while talking, eating, walking, sleeping, traveling. Involve him in all your activity. So long as you keep your hands in his hands, you are safe.
There Is Noting Urgent Or Indispensable In The World
Just put in your sincere efforts and then leave everything to God. World is self supported and is being controlled by a much superior power. One should realize that nothing is urgent or indispensable in the world as anything can wait in this world for any length of time. We are dependent on this world and not the world on us. With all our panic, planning, resources and expertise there is no guarantee that you will achieve what you want.
There Is Noting Free Of Cost In This World
Avoid greed totally. Only whatever is due to you by virtue of your eligibility will finally remain with you.
Be Flexible For Adopting New Changes And Improvements
Learn to adopt changes and apply them to your benefits instead of getting upset. Do not lock the doors of your mind by keeping it rigidly fixed to some ideas, some whim-sand fancies.
Avoid Greediness, Everything Belongs To God
You should be able to leave any worldly possession at a moment's notice. Such should be your detachment towards worldly things.
Small Things Are As Important As Big Things
You should perform each and every task however small it may be with one pointed and undivided attention.When everything starts appearing to you important whether small or big, then you have actually started moving towards the path of greatness. Your greatness is judged by how you perform each and every small thing in your life.
Do Not Show Fickle Mindedness In Choosing Or Deciding Some Thing
A fickle mended person becomes easily confused and mad in choosing and deciding anything. With the inherent oneness you can obtain happiness.
The More You Give, The More You Get
By giving happiness to others, you become happier. By giving money to others. you become more Prosperous. Hence be liberal in giving every bit of ii happiness to others.
Expand Your Consciousness To Include The Whole World As Your Family
Leave the attitude of doing everything only for your own comforts, pleasure, profits. Remember, the best way to keep you happy is to en-sure that others are happy.
Reduce Unnecessary Worldly Involvement
Simplify your life by reducing your worldly bondage, such as number of assets and properties, investments etc.
Have Good Company
Be cautious in choosing your company as it has a great impact on you. Avoid mixing with people having negative attitude and materialistic outlooks.
Always Keep A Smile On Your Face
Try that while talking, walking, sitting, standing and at all wear a natural smile on your face. This will ensure that you will naturally remain positive at all times effortlessly.
Enjoy The Work, Not The Fruits
Once you have done your duty, your part is over, now you go on for next work. Other part, God has to play.
Reduce Your Expectations From Others
Please note that by helping someone, you are not doing any obligation to him. You are simply doing a Godly work. Any good work ever done by us never goes in vein. It comes back to us suitably rewarded in some way or other.
Reduce Collection Of Worldly Things
The more we become bound to worldly things, the more disappointed and sad we will feel at their eventual loss. This loss brings more anxieties, tensions and loss of happiness.
Problems Are Integral Part Of Life
Don't let problems interfere in the process of your development. Remember that there is no problem in the world which is greater than the strength of your mind and which cannot be solved. All should realize that compared to the comforts given by God, the problems are nothing.
Give To The World More Than What You Take From It
Give something to the society for its benefits by sharing your knowledge and experiences, doing some -practical work based on your knowledge and experience.
Be above limitations of life
Limitation bound to be there in life which blocks the way to progress, By your strong desire and will power and working for the right cause, no force on the earth can prevent ' your success.
Regulate Your Diet For Your Mental Well being
Diet has Considerable influence on your mind. For good health always remain slightly hungry. Take Plenty of water.
Do Regular Exercise
Breathing exercises or Pranayama are beneficial in making the mind calm, serene and balanced. Hence make it a practice of performing these daily to reduce tensions and relaxing musclesInclude Rest And Relaxation Phases In Your Routine
To keep your efficiency intact, you have to relax your body and mind. The mental relaxation by meditation and enchanting some mantras. The physical relaxation is obtained by Sabasan-Yoga,
Improve Your Quality Of Sleep
It is good to read a noble and mind elevating book just before you go to sleep. Fix your mind on natural things instead of allowing your mind to wander aimlessly. It is not recommended to sleep with head on North side.
Remain Above Diseases Of Body
Adopt nature cure for treatment. Allopath should be used in emergent situation.
Avoid Fear Of Death
Death is a natural phenomenon of life, so there is no point in worrying about death. One who does not fear death, death fears him.
Take Initiative In Setting Things Right
Thin and take initiative for the benefit of everybody. Do not wait for others to start.
Change Yourself To Change The World
World is made up of every single individual. Change in the world will simply happen by your change.
Do Not Take Revenge For The Ills Done By Others To You
Develop the habit of forgiveness. Forgiveness acts as a soothing balm for your burning heart. Forgiveness means completely forgetting and burning the issue for ever. If you say that you can forgive but you won't forget. It means you haven't forgiven.
Avoid Suspicions/ Doubts, Have Faith
Don't start with the bias in your mind that other person is a cheat and will definitely deceive you and loot you. Have faith on others.
Be Honest, Truthful And Righteous In Your Dealings
There divine laws follow, "Truth can never fall and untruth can never stand". Be the same inside and outside i.e. your thoughts, words and deeds should show resemblance with each other. This is the true test of the righteous person.
There Are Pros And Cons In Everything Of The World
World is dual in its nature .The dual in nature means, day-night, life-death, summer-winter male- female, young- old, pleasure- pain joy-sorrow etc. You should be ready to face both the sides/parts of the nature.
Depend Only On God For Help
For any help needed, you have only to mentally feel yourself connected to God and have total faith in His benevolence and protection. God may choose any physical media to help you.
Consider Your Children As Children Of God
God is the only protector of every one. God's responsibility towards us is fore ever. Your children are as much children of God as you are.
Choose Appropriate Colors
Colors have a profound effect on your body and mind. Blue, violet and indigo colors give a cooling effect to the mind. Black indicates hatred and makes mind dull,lazy. Keeping this in mind, choose appropriate colors for your rooms, curtains, furniture's, doors & clothes etc.
Maintain Good Postures
Stooping, loose and slumping postures having unusual tilts and curvatures decreases the confidence of your mind as there is a great relation between mind and body.
Listen To Good Soothing Music
Sound has a great impact on your mind. Devotional songs, classical music gives inner joys and calm down the tensed mind.
Go Close To Nature
In leisure go close to nature like gardens, forests, mountains, rivers, inhale fresh air under the open sky, listen to chirping of birds, healing rays of sun etc. They elevate and fresh up mind very much.
Maintain Cleanliness And Neatness In Surroundings
Cleanliness of your environment has great effect on the state of mind. Everything should go to proper place after use.
Install Good Photos And Pictures
What we see has a great effect on our minds and affects our psyche positively or negatively. Photographs of enlightened and great men, pictures of natural scenery, and pictures of spiritual and religious places have elevating effects on mind.
Go On Disposing Of Rubbish Regularly
Whenever you buy a new thing, dispose an old thing. This formula will keep your house neat and clean which in turn will keep you light.
Add Humor And Laughter In Your Routines
A good laughter completely decongestant your brain and an increased amount of blood rushes there to nourish those ill fed areas. Hence insert some humor and laughter deliberately in your routine. Laughter helps in healing removal of depression, sadness, worry,nervousness, hopelessness etc. After a good laughter, you invariably feel light, open and fresh.
Don't Be Too Anxious To Know Your Future
What are you going to get by knowing the future when you can't change it. You will simply make your life miserable and add unnecessary anxieties and tensions because it is sure that everything in future is not going to happen as you want. The correct approach in life is that you simply go on facing with a bold and positive mind whatever is coming in the journey of life.
Check Your Desires And Cravings For The Sensual Enjoyment
Material desires and sensual enjoyments have no limits. The more you enjoy, the more you crave for them. The pleasures obtained by the gratification of material desires and sensual enjoyment are short lived and mixed with pain.On the other hand desires for knowing the truth s of lite are good desires and are very much different from material desires which are referred above.
Don't Involve In The Mad Race For Money
Indulging in earning more and more money by what ever means becomes a sort of addiction. If you want to be happy remember this well tried and tested saying"Money can give you everything except happiness"
Never Give The Excuse That You Don't Have Time
Even a busiest man, if he wants to do a thing, he can also do it by proper scheduling of his work. If you don't have interest or desire then even if you are free, you will not be able to do the thing.
Live And Work With The Sole Aim Of Your Constant Development
Whatever we do and where ever we are our central aim in life should be to constantly evolve physically, mentally and spiritually. Self development, the only thing which is going to remain with us forever. While one's aim should be to grow constantly but at the same time results of our efforts should left on God. We can help others and society only when we ourselves are strong and developed in personality.If we ourselves are weak what we can do for others?
Do Not Waste Any Thing
Tendency of wasting is a sign of under developed and narrow consciousness. Hence develop the habit of not wasting anything.
Do Not Be Fussy Over Trifles
Be broadminded. Do not make small matters a big issue. Develop forgetfulness and forgiveness. Being fussy over trifles only satisfies your false ego. It serves no useful purpose. For taking decision of small matters, do no waste time.
Anger Is A Sign Of Weakness
You can get a work done from the force of your personality rather than from anger. Your saying something seriously should be enough to get the man moving. Your words and thought itself have a great power.
You Are Not Indispensable For The World
World is not going to stop or run because of you and me. It was going on when we were not here; it will go on when we will not be here. Hence avoid any anxiety, worries as to what will happen if you are not there nor develop any pride that things can run only because of you.
Do Not Advertise Your Problems / Difficulties To Others
Everybody is interested in his problems only. Except when really need a help from someone, do not advertise your problems and difficulties to others.
Develop Tolerance
Develop tolerance for the harms done by others to you, for the harsh words and injuries inflicted by others on you. You should be able to easily forget and forgive the misdoings of others. This strengthens your mind. A tolerant person can achieve any height crossing all the barriers.
Do Not Try To Be Master Of Everything
Knowledge of worldly matters is unlimited. It is not possible to have perfect knowledge of everything by any person. So be expert in one line. In other areas you can simply possess general knowledge.
Take And Give Help Freely
There should be no hesitation or reservation in asking for and giving help to others. By helping others, we are basically purifying ourselves. The more you give, the more comes to you.
Enjoy Each Moment Of Life
Enjoyment in mind is more necessary&important than enjoyment in objects. You can have enjoyment without object also. Relish each activity and moment of life howsoever trivial it may be and do not dream of enjoying life at some later date which may never come.
Do Not Do or Accept Anything Which Is Less Than The Best
Everyday try to do your job a little better than you did the previous day. Never compromise less than the best. The word best means as best as you can or best possible under the existing limitation.
Observe Courtesy And Good Mannerism
In our day to day dealings, we should observe the following :
* Use the words 'thank you' and please generously. * Stand up when greeting and receiving any elderly person/ visitor. * Return all things in time you borrow. * Avoid sarcastic remarks. * Keep secrets up to you. * Remember people's names who remain around you. * Respect privacy; knock before you enter a room. * Resist temptation to interrupt people in the middle for giving your decision. * Learn to disagree without irritability. * Be punctual and conduct meetings in time regardless of who is missing. * Resist telling people how something should be done, unless asked for. * Keep promises and words. * Do not discuss business in streets. * Praise in public, criticize in private. * Never hesitate to use the phrases "! am sorry" or "I did a mistake" or "| need help" or "I do not know". Learn to show cheerfulness always. * Be grateful and obliged for any help done by any body. * Return borrowed vehicle with petrol tank full. * Do not discuss salaries. * Arrive at the working place early and stay beyond quitting time. * Leave everything a little better than you found it. * Reserve some time exclusively for your family.
Do Not Think or Speak Ill About Anybody
Whenever you think or speak ill about any person you not only harm that person but you are also temporarily charged with those negative vibrations and therefore you harm yourself.
Learn To Appreciate Others
No matter how bad a person is, but every person has some good in him. Learn to appreciate others, this encourages them and results in a healthy atmosphere around.
Be Humble As You Rise More And More
Erase even the slightest feeling of egoism and superiority of your position. Pride and arrogance lead to a definite downfall of the person. Greatest man is he who is the servant of all. This is a divine law.
Do Not Make Catastrophe Out Of Unpleasant Events Of Life
Give only that much of importance to a thing which it deserves. Showing reasonable concern over a sad event and taking remedial measures are quite alright but it is the over concern which creates problems.
Learn To Give Up And Let Go
The happiness consists not in accumulating things but rather in giving up and letting it go. The more you let go, the more relieved and relaxed you become.
Do Not Get Upset Over Rejection And Disapproval
You should take the comments of other person about you simply as a matter of his own opinion. If you feel that there is no weight in the comments of the other person, just ignore them instead of giving them more weight age.
Do Not Lower Down Your Level To The Level Of The Person Who Is Misbehaving You
Ignore a person who is misbehaving with you. By bothering about him more and arguing with him about wrong and right, you are unnecessary giving importance and weight age which actually he does not deserve. Before argument with any person, you must think whether spending time and energy with this person is really of any use or you are satisfying your false ego. Convince yourself by your intellect mind the futility of such confrontation.
Avoid Stain Of Perfectionism And Idealism
By nature, human beings are imperfect. We cannot avoid making mistakes. We can reduce our imperfections by constant knowledge & practice, but we cannot achieve absolute perfection. Expecting only perfectionism and idealism in every situation will hence lead to stress. If we do not learn from our mistakes, we lose the benefits of the lesson which every mistake brings with it.
Learn To Adjust And Compromise
There are certain forces acting on our lives over which we have no control. We should accept and respect these limitations. Some have a wrong notion that adjustment and compromise is a sign of weakness or surrender before another person. But in fact it is not so.
Do Not Have Super-normal Expectations From Your Spouse
None of the persons in the house is a slave. Both should support each other to grow. This is possible by cooperation, compromise, tolerance, adjustment and respect for each other. Never expect her to be a flawless.
Live One At A Time; Do Not Rush
Divide your life into days and then try to live and enjoy one day at a time. You can even divide your day further into hours and minutes and then live and enjoy each moment at a time forgetting every other thing.
Reduce The Velocity Of Your Mind
The number of thoughts crossing your mind per unit time is the velocity of mind. This does not allow the mind to have a single thought and leads to poor performance of the present task in hand. Only by slowing down and paying attention to each moment, life becomes highly interesting and enjoyable.
Do Not Leave Your Mind Idle
As the life is precious, you must make some short term and long term goals and then systematically work to achieve them step by step.
Do Not Stop Your Works When Your Mood Is Upset
By stopping or slowing down a work because of bad mood, increases the damage and pressure of work. Time can never be brought back. Try to forget any unpleasant incident as early as possible and restore your mood to normal. Even if your mood does not cooperate, still let the work go on.
Do Not Waste Your Energy In Pleasing And Satisfying Others
Happiness cannot be given or transmitted to others by force. When your mind is calm and quiet and free from all negative emotions, you automatically experience happiness. The happiness is a feeling, which one has to experience within himself. The greatest contribution you can make, in making other people happy, is that you first make yourself happy and cheerful, so that vibrations emitted by you induce a similar state in others.
Think Less And Do More
Although certain amount of thinking and planning is very necessary for doing a job perfectly, lingering this thought process is not desirable. Your desire and plans keep on changing as a function of time. Your frustration comes from the fact that you want to learn and achieve everything instantly, which is mathematically impossible. Your enjoyment depends on your ability to remain in the present moment while doing any activity and to perform that activity as best as you can.
Conclusion :
By constant knowledge and practice of all the mentioned steps, gradually your mind will be cleaned of all the impurities, doubts, biases, fears and unsatisfied desires which remain lodged in your subconscious mind as impressions and it will become strong, positive, pure,balanced and perfectly under your control. Then it hardly matters where you are, what you do; no evil can contaminate you. You will always be filled with a peculiar inner calm and divine joy which cannot be disturbed and taken away by any outer circumstances.